The Best Comic Book Movies of All Time
10: Atomic Blonde (2017)

It's based on the 2012 graphic novel "The Coldest City." I know that I would take the most shit for this selection if this list were actually regarded seriously. I don't care. Charlize Theron put in a lot of work offscreen to make it realistic and fun.
9: Superman: The Movie (1978)

When you witness the near-perfection of the CG in "Infinity War" you might think that '70s practical effects are laughable by comparison, but the first two Christopher Reeve films hold up. Re-watch them. I got slightly emotional when I spoke with Marc McClure (Jimmy Olsen) about working with Reeve. He said succinctly, "he was the best. THE BEST."
8: Iron Man (2008)

It's easy to forget just how respected this film was because the following two Iron Man movies were so bad. Allow me to remind you: During late 2008 I sold a plastic replica Iron Man helmet that Robert Downey, Jr. signed for me for $500. I'm writing this post as I sit at the huge office desk that I bought with that money.
Best. Origins. Story. Ever.
7: Captain America: Civil War (2016)

A lot of people love to nitpick the lackluster action sequences that are in this one. I'm the first person to admit that some of the battles that are fought within this war almost seem ridiculous, but its story is tight, and it has that Russo brothers' highbrow quality, so I don't really care.
6: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

a smart script+ good comedy+ tension galore+ excellent use of period piece sets and clothing= masterpiece
5: The Dark Knight (2008)

As much as I love Jack Nicholson's performance in Tim Burton's '89 Batman, and as much as this film tails off midway through when the Joker's role in minimized, I must bow to Heath Ledger's monumental performance in this film-- the best that I have ever seen in any comic book film. He completely deserved his posthumous Oscar.
4: Logan (2017)

The darkest and most spiritual X-Men movie is also the first and final in which Hugh Jackman finally nailed the role of Wolverine. It's also the best performance of Professor X by Patrick Stewart. It's a hell of a final curtain.
3: Batman (1989)

Michael Keaton was the best Bruce Wayne and the best Batman. It's funny to think that at the time people raved about Jack Nicholson's performance and thought that it would never be topped, yet they disregarded Keaton. But with time, people realized that Keaton had a brilliant subtlety and nuance in his role. Also, Prince did the soundtrack. Case closed. Best Batman ever.
2: Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

It's the first comic movie that is truly the villain's movie. Many people are referring to it as "the 'The Empire Strikes Back'" of our time. I agree. The partnership of the Russo brothers with the writing team of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely proved that they are the best at creating comic book films by weaving the stories of two billion different comic characters into a nearly perfect colossus.
1: Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014)

Ten minutes before I was going to walk into the theater to watch "Infinity War" for the second time I was sitting in a Steak n' Shake. They were playing this movie on the TV monitors. As I watched Samuel L. Jackson acting his balls off in the role of Nick Fury I knew that it remains my favorite comic movie ever. Obviously I love its anti-globalist, anti-police state political message, and although it's only four years old, I have a nostalgic favoritism for it because it's the first creation of the aforementioned Russo brothers and Markus/McFeely team. I know that they recognize its importance as well based on how often they have teamed up the trio of Cap, Black Widow and Falcon in subsequent films.
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