I'm proud. During the last year I had the most difficult time maintaining my footing financially here, and I thought that there was moderate chance that I would not endure to the ten year mark.
But here I am. As Steve McQueen yelled at the end of Papillon to an indifferent sky, "HEY, YOU BASTARDS! I'M STILL HERE!"
I started my run here in film making, which has more snakes than any jungle. I will probably make more short films or something more prestigious in the future, but I'm ultimately glad that I bailed on it for now. I thought that stand up comedy offered much more opportunities and in a format that suited me better. Yet, a few years into doing it I realized that west coast comedy is going in the direction of shitty "roast comedy," which entails almost completely unknown comics saying almost completely unfunny and insincere shit to each other. Since that time, I've searched for a hybrid between comedy and film making that suits me.
As I delve deeper into the world of comedic acting, I have faith that I will find it.
L.A. has many faults-- excessive homelessness, traffic, narcissistic morons galore-- yet it remains my favorite city. Here's to ten more years and an upcoming World Series championship, baby.

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