Thursday, October 8, 2015

Top Twenty Playboy Playmates Ever

No silicone allowed

October 13 update: Yesterday Playboy announced that it will not have nude models in its magazines starting March 2016, so this post is much more topical than it was when I created it a few days ago.

20. Petra Verkaik (1989)

19. Terri Welles (1980)

18. Cara Wakelin (1999)

17. Lindsey Vuolo (2001)

16. Candy Loving (1979)

15. Janet Lupo (1975)

14. Susan Smith (1981)

13. Christina Leardini (1991)

12. Lisa Matthews (1990)

11. Roberta Vasquez (1984)

10. Patty Duffek (1984)

9. Brooke Berry (2000)

8. Miki Garcia (1973)

7. Kelly Monaco (1997)

6. Karen Price (1981)

5. Patricia Farinelli (1981)

4. Marilyn Lange (1974)

3. Kimberly McArthur (1982)

2. Marilyn Monroe (1953)

1. Dorothy Stratten (1979) R.I.P., Perfection


Mark Crawford said...

Good list, but Cynthia Myers, Alana Soares and Melinda Windsor are must-haves on any list. I would also seriously consider including Miriam Gonzalez and Fran Gerard, or even Charlotte Kemp, Kym Malin, Marilyn Cole, Barbara Edwards or Carol Imhof, who were all on my "bubble": The twin criteria are beautiful face and above average body, and to the extent ascertainable, vivacious and friendly personality; Donna Edmondsen and Linda Moon had the figures , but not the faces; Patti McGuire and Lisa Welch had the faces but not the bodies; Barbara Edwards had the most exquisite cheekbones, both fore and aft.

Unknown said...

and not a one of them are black, FUCK you

mhrtwll said...

smiley 24, Neferteri Shepherd is his 29th favorite playmate so relax!