Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fuck islam.

I have noticed that many of the apologists for islam are feminist women. Hilarious. I wonder if these women know that under islamic theocratic regimes they would get their clits cut off and/or stoned to death if they cheat on their husband. I wonder if they know that under such an idyllic paradise gays (including gay women) are stoned to death as well. It's a wonderful stone age concept, I suppose.
It's utterly moronic to state that people who hate muslims are "racist" against Arabs because a) it's not a race and b) most muslims are not Arabic anyway.
Yet the vast majority of terrorism against the west is committed by Arab/Mid East muslims.
In the geopolitical context, I'm not going to disagree that the West's policy of "oil at any cost" is destructive to the Mid East, and the United States' policy toward it since the dawn of this millennium has been backward. But I think that we all agree that it's not destructive to the extent that the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians is a valid response. Also, these secular matters seem to not even be the terrorists' primary motivation anyway.
I am amazed that even islamist apologists are admitting this:

Of particular note here: "their narrative that there is a war between the West and Islam." The word "islam" is used as opposed to the Mid East or Arabs or any number of other secular terms. Granted, the phrase "their narrative" doesn't necessitate that they themselves believe that there is a war against islam, but there are no indications by the author that it's actually an ulterior motive, and "their worldview" seems to cement his belief that it's real in their minds. Also, in the immediate aftermath of the 9.11.01 tragedy there were groups of people who insisted that it was motivated primarily by our support for Israel and the placement of American troops in Saudi Arabia even though those items were buried as sidebars in Osama bin Laden's religious diatribe. So it's very interesting to note that the "they had their rational reasons" arguments are out the window at this point.
When we're discussing the root cause of all of this nonsense, all roads lead to the barbarism of islam. And you can say, "they're warping the REAL message of islam" or whatever. I'm a firm believer in Occam's Razor. If factions commit heinous, brutal crimes under the banner of a single religion for decades and the theocracies that represent that religion commit heinous acts then I'm going to tend to believe that there is a major problem with that religion. If you believe that the banner is misplaced, it's not my problem-- my problem is the crime.
In the Boston marathon bombing, the 9/11 attacks, the LAX airport attack and the two French massacres that have occurred in this year, there were many subplots, but there was only one through line: a single religion.
I dislike almost every religion, but I hate islam.

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