Saturday, June 20, 2020

Bill Maher's Sage Advice for Millennials

When I watched a Periscope feed that was in a grocery store a couple of months ago someone wrote, "those workers are really brave to risk getting corona."
No... My grandfather riding in a tank on the beaches of France as the nazis' mortar shells rained down on him, and he got stuck in a bomb crater= Brave.
Risking the 1% chance that you have of getting an illness that you (the workers weren't older than 40) have a 99.8% chance of surviving= not brave. Not heroic.
Maher echoed my thoughts on his show.

"This is your time,” the host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher said Sunday, addressing the much-maligned demo at the close of New Rules. "After all," he said, "the Greatest Generation was only great after storming the beaches of Normandy in World War II. Just storm the beaches. And the malls. Go buy pants. Live your pre-corona life because you are the least likely to die from it,” he said.

"Be careful, but break out of the prison the government has created," he said. “Safety is a virtue. But if it was the only one, nothing would ever get done.”

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