Sunday, October 9, 2016

Why I Support Donald Trump

As I'm writing this post now THE LATEST SCANDAL THAT IS SURE TO DESTROY TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN (or whatever) is in the making.
Please. Just... please.

When Trump announced that he was in the running I tweeted something like, "hilarious." In retrospect, I mocked his campaign because I believed that his chances of winning the nomination were close to nothing. Even his "make America great" slogan seemed like a provincial "GET 'ER DOOOOOONE" rallying cry that just wasn't going to be effective outside of the South and some Midwestern areas. I didn't oppose him, though because he was stirring the shit storm well.

The 2000 Republican nomination and the 2004 presidential election had a profound effect on me. During that four-year time frame the actual office of the presidency went from august and reverential to a joke in my mind. Even when I was a kid during 2000 I knew that the two parties were failing us and beholden to total corporate corruption-- obviously now it's ten time worse than it was then. During 2000 I believed that John McCain was the closest thing to a good remedy for that situation. Obviously he failed due, in part, to that exact corporate influence about which he railed. Tragically, he wound up selling out to it with every passing year since 2000, so I didn't care about him beyond that presidential run. During 2004 America knew more than enough about the chimp-faced idiot who was in office to make a sober, rational decision to excise him. When it failed, my thoughts turned to nihilism-- a destruction of the two party establishment. It's long overdue for an overhaul.

I was proud of America for Obama's historical win during 2008, but I knew that his "hope and change" pledge was pure bullshit. As the movie "Spotlight" illustrated, true change can only come from an outsider.

Enter Trump. When the Republican race started I believed rather firmly that Jeb Bush would take the nomination rather easily, and when Joe Biden backed out of the Democratic primary I thought that it was going to be yet another dynastic borefest between two families who should have stepped aside and made room at the table for other people years ago. Trump shocked the world. He shocked us because not only did he blow away the Bushes easily, he did it on his terms and in his completely unorthodox way. On paper you would think that there wasn't a chance in hell that this conservative "Bulworth" could pull off a victory. He wasn't spending a dime on advertising, and the powers that be had their three favorites. When Jeb dropped out it became more apparent that Marco Rubio (shudder) and Ted Cruz (shudder, shudder) were doing their own version of Trump's verbal flamethrowing in a pathetic effort to catch him on his terms. Those Trump Lites fell flat on their faces.

At that moment I hated the establishment more than ever. Ted Cruz is the most hideous embodiment of everything D.C., and if Trump fails he and other people who are destroying this republic will retake the reins. We will be told by the Republican party and media that "sobriety has triumphed, and things are back to normal"-- even though Hillary is supposedly in the "other party." Hell, it's already happening with Republicans either bailing on Trump or implying that they want Hillary to win anyway. It's the old system that they love so much and need. Unless you're completely blind to America's gradual decay since the '90s you will hope that someone will shake this thoroughly corrupt system to its core. If you think that Trump is a cartoon character, I've got news for you: this thing is going under anyway. People talk about China the same way that they spoke about America several decades ago: "when its economy sneezes, everyone else catches a cold." THEY WERE USING THAT PHRASE ABOUT US when I was a kid.

The best thing that we can hope for is any change in direction that isn't straight in the direction in which we have traveled for so long. Trump definitely is not a panacea. He is a hail Mary at America's own twenty yard line. But he beats the hell out of the alternatives.

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