Monday, November 19, 2012

Comics VS Other Entertainers

Many of the indie songwriters who I follow sometimes throw up a link to a site where I watch them via a live feed.
Many times they go through long spans when they don't perform music. And many times... during those times... it's painful.

If nothing else, stand up comics-- even BAD comics-- are good conversationalists. They/we create entertainment from nothingness because it's the whole occupation. When comics are on a stage we don't have a group of backup singers or a guitar we can hide behind. It's a matter of wielding one's wits.

Improv comedians often create things from nothingness, as well. It's something that film or even traditional stage actors cannot do.

It's why comedians must rely almost entirely on our intelligence. I don't know any good stupid comedians-- in fact, dumb people usually quit the open mic scene almost immediately.
..............I know plenty of moronic good musicians, though.

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